The home of this knitter has knitting wool crawling out of drawers, cupboards, baskets, packets, study tables and a few more places which cannot be mentioned…
The daughter of this knitter has taken to crochet, so there is yarn added from her collection too..We now have “seriously chunky wool”, hand-spun wool and spider-web-like-crochet-yarn added to the home stash.
Last year, ( it was 2014 actually….where did the months fly?)after taking a serious look at my collection of 8.764 kgs of yarn, there has been minimal acquisition of yarn. A knitter has to pick up some treasures, daughters have to present me some delicious colours from travels abroad…but there has been some progress in clearing up the stash.
The ghastly unfinished shawls have been ripped down to yarn, re-knitted into sweaters and sent away to happy homes. The crochet hexagon bedcover is languishing in packets and bits and I am trying not to look in that direction.
2012 had seen me completing this blanket for my daughter. It was a labour of love, calculations, combinations and some intense frustration. The number of crochet blocks would keep increasing quietly, and every time I climbed up on top of the dining table, sure of having got the entire lot ready, there would be some missing pieces. Finally, it was presented to daughter and has been admired and adored ever since. A few orphan blocks remained stuffed in a drawer for 4 years. I have finally found the time to take them out, stitch them and make this hot-water bottle cover! Very useful and very special present for our mutt, Pepper.
The chunky wool balls have been falling out of the shelves, and one falling one has been knitted up into this hat. Fits well, knits up fast, and looks good. The pattern of this perfect Tuque is available here for free, and I would recommend it for adventurous beginners.
So, with one hot water bottle cover and a couple of hats under my belt, I am ready to stride forth into my stash and attack those lovely groups of yarn…what more could a knitter ask for?! Except for luck, time and no Net surfing hours?!